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First Baptist Church of Collingdale

Check out our latest sermon

This week's Bulletin (3/16)

9:45 AM Sunday School

10:45 AM Worship Service 

Gather with us on Sundays

FBC Collingdale

Get Plugged In

At FBC Collingdale, we believe the church more is more than a building and a set of walls.  We are a community of believers, who come together to grow and build each other up, to be a part of each other's lives.  Our goal is to know Jesus Christ more each day!  If your desire is to find connection and build relationships, we would encourage you to check us out.  We have a variety of small groups and opportunities for everyone. 

Staff & Leaders

Our dedicated staff and leadership team are here to help you and come alongside of you in your walk with God. 

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our mission is to reach our community, to realize godly relationships and to reproduce servant disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
Image by Priscilla Du Preez
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